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Page 50 of 51, showing 20 records out of 1,010 total, starting on record 981, ending on 1,000

Lexeme Word Sentence Translation Citation Link Last Modified By Actions
-á-ȼĕ qȼud-áȼĕ come off of its own accord, as a scab Michelle Lanternier Edit
-á-ȼĕ qisc-áȼĕ (Ṭc̣ qusc-ára) broken in, as a barrel head Michelle Lanternier Edit
-á-ȼĕ cib-áȼĕ (Ṭc̣ ciw-ára) slipped off of its own accord, as a belt off machinery, when no one has touched it Michelle Lanternier Edit
-á-ȼĕ cij-áȼĕ (Ṭc̣ quḳe) shivered of its own accord, as one of Prince Rupert's Michelle Lanternier Edit
-bi-té-a-ma Áȼahá-bitéama Quotative of áȼahaí tĕ JOD 54,2 Michelle Lanternier Edit
-bi-té-a-ma Ijáje gipáxu bitéama, ai, aná'aⁿ. I heard that they have (or had?) written their names F. and Wdj. (1889) Michelle Lanternier Edit
-ctaⁿ xagectaⁿ Michelle Lanternier Edit
-ctaⁿ wamaⁿȼaⁿctaⁿ Michelle Lanternier Edit
yú-hŭ́ⁿ Yúhŭ́ⁿ! edádaⁿ ukít'ĕ éiⁿte cuȼéwikiȼái-mají-qti máⁿ. Haha! no matter to what nation he may belong, I will by no means allow him to go home to you (alive)! Catherine Rudin Edit
yú-hŭ́ⁿ Yúhŭ́ⁿ! núdaⁿhañgá, p̣áȼaⁿ bȼíqaⁿ, edádaⁿ ukít'ĕ éiⁿte. Haha! O war captain (i.e. the Thunder-god), I will break off the head of any foe (that I may meet)! P̣ȼn. Catherine Rudin Edit
xa-gé Gáⁿxagé amá Mactcíñge And the Rabbit was crying out, they say. (36.6) Michelle Lanternier Edit
xa-gé Ȼaxágajĭ́-qti gáⁿ ȼagȼíⁿ etéde. You ought to have sat without crying at all. 36, 12 Catherine Rudin Edit
jí-ji-de-kí-ȼĕ jíjidekíȼa-biamá Catherine Rudin Edit
hau Moⁿthíⁿ-ga hó! Walk! Binah Gordon Edit
hau Í-ga hó! Come here! Binah Gordon Edit
-ma Shi uetaawakʰithe-má oⁿthóⁿkipahoⁿi And I am known by those whom I have for my own. Binah Gordon Edit
-ma Ithádioⁿwoⁿthái-ma níkashíⁿga-ma wágazu-bázhi Those who have been our agents (excluding others) have been dishonest Binah Gordon Edit
-ma Níkashíⁿga-ma wágazúxti-ma wíⁿ kóⁿbtha. Wágazú-ma wíⁿ tʰíthakʰithe ki, iⁿwíⁿkoⁿ ki, ithánita tʰe ha I want one of your truly honest people. If you send one of the honest ones, they'll help me, and I'll live. Binah Gordon Edit
-ma Éwatháthe-shti-má the ones, too, whom you have for kindred Binah Gordon Edit
-ma Égithe níkashíⁿga pahóⁿga hi-má t'e-má wahí kʰe soⁿ kʰé amá, xiⁿx utháhahá-ma, káshi zhiⁿga t'e-má shti zhú uthás'iⁿ-ma, shi íⁿchoⁿxchi t'e-má shti, ki níⁿta-má shti And there were lying in the distance the whitened bones of the people who had entered first and had died, the dried flesh next to the bones adhering to them; also those who had just died, and the living ones too. This admits of an improved rendering, as it refers to (1) the whitened bones; (2) to those with the tissue adhering to each; (3) to those dead bodies with the flesh still on them; (4) to those who had just died; and (5) to the living. Binah Gordon Edit