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Page 49 of 51, showing 20 records out of 1,010 total, starting on record 961, ending on 980

Lexeme Word Sentence Translation Citation Link Last Modified By Actions
caⁿ-é-gaⁿ-c̣nañ-ká Caⁿegaⁿc̣niñke eskaⁿ ec̣negaⁿ ă? Did you think that by this time you who sit would be let alone? Shelby Chandler Edit
ú-ga-ctáñ-ka úgactáñka gáxai It tended to temptation. Om. Soc. 343 Catherine Rudin Edit
míⁿ-e-ȼáⁿ-be Míⁿ ȼaⁿ éȼaⁿbaí. The sun rises or has risen. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼaⁿ Wabaxu p̣axu ȼaⁿ. The letter which I wrote or have written. Shelby Chandler Edit
ú-ȼi-caⁿ-ṭá-taⁿ Úȼicaⁿṭátaⁿ égaxe aíi. They're coming from all directions, from all sides around. Wdj. Catherine Rudin Edit
ȼaⁿ Unajiⁿ aⁿȼaʔí ȼaⁿ. The shirt that you gave me. Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-é-gaⁿ-ȼá-ȼiⁿ-cé Caⁿegaⁿȼaȼiⁿce eskaⁿ ă? Did you think that by this time you who move would be let alone? Shelby Chandler Edit
ú-ȼaⁿ-jĭ-wá-ȼĕ Úȼaⁿjĭwáȼĕ égaⁿ úckaⁿ íⁿtaⁿ tĕ. The present matter is not one which is apt to get them caught (or in trouble). L. Catherine Rudin Edit
ȼaⁿ P̣áxu-c̣naⁿ-máⁿ ȼaⁿ. What I have been writing at different times, in the past. Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-é-gaⁿ-ȼá-ȼiⁿ-cé Caⁿegaⁿȼaȼiⁿce eskaⁿ ehnegaⁿ ă? Did you think that by this time you who stand would be let alone? Shelby Chandler Edit
ṭan-dá-ha Ṭandáha ȼéȼa-gă. Go into the ground! Catherine Rudin Edit
ȼáⁿ-ctĭ Ikágcaȼĕ ȼáⁿ ctĭ. I did regard him as my friend (but I do not now). Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-é-gaⁿ-ȼáⁿ Caⁿegaⁿȼaⁿ eskaⁿ ebȼegaⁿ ȼaⁿcti. I did think that by this time the cv. ob., land, etc., would be let alone. Shelby Chandler Edit
ṭe-á Ṭeá kĕ muáqaⁿ. I broke foreleg (of the animal) by shooting it. Catherine Rudin Edit
míⁿ-gȼaⁿ Wigȼăⁿ ta-miñke. I will take you for my wife. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼáⁿ-ctĭ Winísi ȼátaⁿ iⁿwíⁿ qpaȼĕ ȼáⁿ ctĭ. This one std., my child, was lost to me (in the past, but now he is found). Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ gáⁿ-naⁿ Caⁿ gáⁿ-naⁿ edádaⁿ íuȼa céna naⁿbúwibȼáⁿ tĕ ékigaⁿ. Well, I have sent you some news, and it has been like shaking hands with you. O&PL 109, 4 Shelby Chandler Edit
pí-ä-jĭ é-gaⁿ Píäjĭ égaⁿ p̣áxe hă. I made it badly, imperfectly. Catherine Rudin Edit
míⁿ i-ȼé Míⁿ aká ná-ȼuháqtci áiáȼai. The sun has nearly gone (set). Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼáⁿ-ȼaⁿ Aȼíⁿ ki ȼáⁿȼaⁿ. The cv. obj. which he took to his home or back once in the past. Shelby Chandler Edit