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Page 15 of 51, showing 20 records out of 1,010 total, starting on record 281, ending on 300

Lexeme Word Sentence Translation Citation Link Last Modified By Actions
-bi Údaⁿ-qti aⁿȼíⁿ-bi, é gí baxu ȼéȼe-náⁿi hă. They usually write to him that we are (doing) very well. O&PL 34, 4 Michelle Lanternier Edit
míⁿ ṭáⁿ-iⁿ Waȼíc̣na tihé hă. It has become visible. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼán-di Bȼé ȼándi. At or to the place of my destination. Shelby Chandler Edit
cáⁿ-qti gáⁿ Caⁿqti gaⁿ agȼiⁿ. I sit still (or remain at home) when nothing at all is the matter. Shelby Chandler Edit
mi-wá-da Ṭep̣a-uȼiqága amá miⁿwáda-biama. Ṭep̣a-uȼiqága is the jealous one who has hit the other man. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼi-ä-ji Ȼiä́ji tégaⁿ uwíbȼai. I tell you (pl.) so that he may make a different arrangement. Shelby Chandler Edit
cáⁿ-qti gáⁿ Cáⁿqti gáⁿ nuḳáȼiⁿ aȼábiamá. In spite of his condition he departed stripped to the waist. 39, 14 Shelby Chandler Edit
miⁿ-wád i-ȼé Miⁿwád iȼábiamá. 'Tis said that he has gone thither to injure the ponies of another of whom he is jealous. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼi-á-ta Wakánda aká ĕbéctĕwaⁿ ȼiáta-báji: bȼúgaⁿ ékigaⁿ wáxai. God does not show partiality to any one at all: He treats all alike. Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-té Caⁿté baxúi. He writes it now (as he did not formerly). Shelby Chandler Edit
miñ-ké Kĭ níkuciⁿga miñké. I who am the person. Shelby Chandler Edit
dhí-á-ta Wakanda aka ĕbé shtĕwáⁿ dhiáta bázhĭ, bdhúga ékigaⁿ wághai. God does not show partiality to any one at all, He treats all alike. Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-té Uṣníäjĭ caⁿté wíp̣axu cuȼéaȼĕ. Literally, Cold-not at-present-so I-to-you-write I-cause-it-to-go-to-you. I write it and send it to you when it is not yet cold (weather). Shelby Chandler Edit
miñ-ké Ȼé miñ-ké. I who am this one. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼi-áⁿ-dje Ínbe ȼiáⁿdje. N/A Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-té-ȼĕ Caⁿtéȼaȼájĭ ḳĭ, uwítiⁿ tá-miñke. I will hit you if you do not let it alone. Shelby Chandler Edit
miñ-ké Ṭigáⁿha, aⁿwáⁿckaⁿ ṭañga héga-májĭ. Grandfather, was very strong. Shelby Chandler Edit
ȼi-ʔá Cetáⁿ ȼiʔaí. He has not yet been able to accomplish it, he has not yet finished it. Shelby Chandler Edit
caⁿ-té-gaⁿ-jĭ Caⁿtégaⁿjĭ tĕ. It is difficult for him to get at it it, or, He can not do any thing with it. Shelby Chandler Edit
miñ-ké Ehé miñké. I was saying it: used after the words said. Shelby Chandler Edit