not applicable (or) not available 
The letter of the --- the uniform sound heard in such words --- represents a deep sonant guttural, its corresponding surd being q (kh).  
Jul 06, 2016 2:41 am


Unable to read full definition because slip is too dark.
Added/modified by: Darcy M Smith on 5/10/11, 12:00 AM


"In the Dakota literature, "x" is printed as "g," as it is a "gh" sound. X and z seem related."
Added/modified by: Darcy M Smith on 5/10/11, 12:00 AM
uȼubaxaⁿ, uȼubazaⁿ, xabe, zabe, xixige, zizige, bȼaⁿxe, bȼaⁿze, gȼaⁿxe, gȼaⁿze, xizi 

Native Definitions